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Priyanka Gandhi
Vallabh Mahadevan
Jayakrishnakumar S
Hariharan Ramakrishnan
Azhagarasan NS
Vidhya J


Aim: The present in vitro study evaluated the Color and Translucency of Colored and Pre-colored Monolithic Zirconia ceramics.

Materials and methods: Twenty disks of Monolithic Zirconia with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of 1.5 mm were milled from White and Pre-colored Blanks. The disks milled from the White blanks were subjected to immersion in Coloring liquid. The disks were divided into Group I Colored Zirconia and Group II Pre-colored Zirconia. Twenty Co-Cr disks of diameter of 10◦mm and thickness of 2.5◦mm with a superficial hollow spacer of 8 ◦mm diameter and 0.1◦mm thickness were used in this study to serve as metallic substrates for the Zirconia disks. Using a Color Spectrophotometer, Color coordinates were observed. Color difference (AE) was measured over a white backdrop, metal substrate before, and metal substrate after cementation. The Translucency Parameter (TP) was measured over a white and black backdrop. Independent ‘t-test and Mann Whitney U test were used to analyze the Color difference and Translucency Parameter data, respectively.

 Results: The Mean Color difference between Colored Zirconia and Pre-colored Zirconia against a white backdrop and metal substrate before cementation was 12.32 and 10.37, respectively. The Mean Color difference between Colored Zirconia and Pre-colored Zirconia against a white- backdrop and metal substrate after cementation was 2.48 and 3.41, respectively. The mean color difference between Colored and Pre-colored Zirconia against metal substrate before and after cementation was 8.37 and 9.13, respectively. Pre-colored Zirconia showed a statistically significantly higher color difference than Colored Zirconia (P ◦<◦0.05). The mean Translucency parameter for Colored Zirconia and Pre-colored Zirconia was 7.73 and 8.83, respectively. The mean Translucency parameter for Colored Zirconia and Pre-colored Zirconia over metal substrate was 0.52 and 0.57, respectively.> < ◦<◦0.05). The mean Translucency parameter for Colored Zirconia and Pre-colored Zirconia was 7.73 and 8.83, respectively. The mean Translucency parameter for Colored Zirconia and Pre-colored Zirconia over metal substrate was 0.52 and 0.57, respectively.> 0.05). The mean Translucency parameter for Colored Zirconia and Pre-colored Zirconia was 7.73 and 8.83, respectively. The mean Translucency parameter for Colored Zirconia and Pre-colored Zirconia over metal substrate was 0.52 and 0.57, respectively.

Conclusion: On comparison of Colored and Pre-colored Zirconia from a white background to the metal substrate before and after cementation, the Colored Zirconia showed lower color difference than the Pre-colored Zirconia, which suggests that Colored Zirconia has better masking ability than Pre-colored Zirconia. However, comparing these two materials for Translucency, the Pre-colored Zirconia material demonstrated higher translucency than the Colored Zirconia material before and after cementation over the metal substrate.

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