1. Introduction and related works
The health of every economy in the world, both major and growing, hinges on their market’s stock prices, and predicting these stock prices is a growing area of interest for world governments, professional investors, and private citizens. Despite efforts to develop new techniques and strategies toward this goal, market volatility along with the non-linear high heteroscedasticity of market data present a model that is problematic to forecast (1). There are three main approaches to analyzing the stock market: technical, fundamental, and sentimental. Technical analysis attempts to determine future price change patterns using technical indicators, and these indicators include the opening price (open), daily highest price (high), daily lowest price (low), closing price (close), adjusted closing price (adjusted close), and the total volume (volume). Technical indicators are detailed in daily stock market reports and represent data efficiently for time series analysis (2).
Fundamental analysis uses the economic standing of a firm’s yearly or quarterly reports to predict future stock value Nti et al., (3). Fundamental analysis is the focus of this paper. Fundamental company reports vary depending on the nature of the business. Examples of fundamental features include total revenue, gross profit, total assets, total debt, operating cash flow, and capital expenditure (3).
The sentimental analysis relates to the public’s general feeling or attitude toward specific stocks as it relates to its success or failure within a given market (4). The goal of each of these methods is to try and predict market trends, giving investors the information necessary to productively place their money in a place where it will increase their overall investment (5).
In a survey of the types of analysis performed on over 300 samples, 66% of papers focused on technical analysis, 23% on fundamental analysis, and 11% based on some combination of the two or some form of sentimental analysis (2). Given the vast amount of research available, this paper will serve as a foundation for applying machine learning techniques to fundamental data analysis.
The uniqueness of this paper is in the focus of the combination of fundamental data classified based on the high and low technical indicators into three distinct classes: buy, sell, or hold. Along with the classification system, a broad array of algorithms is applied in their most basic form, with the intended purpose of providing a benchmark performance of each classifier. The purpose of this is to gain useful insights into how these algorithms could be modified and expanded on for future use. This paper presents the results of collecting fundamental data on the top one hundred stocks in the NASDAQ stock market and applying eight different machine learning algorithms to predict whether a stock should be bought, sold, or held in any given quarter over the past 20 years from 2000 to 2020.
Most research focusing on technical analysis deals with, at its smallest, minute-to-minute prediction models Lamouirie and Achchab, (6), and at its largest, day-to-day (5). While useful, we intended to explore longer-term investment options that would be more useful to private citizens and long-term investors who wish to avoid the risk associated with day trading.
Given a large amount of research done on technical analysis and the generally positive results gained from that research, we began by drawing inspiration from Wang et al. (7), who attempted to train deep learning networks to analyze the Singapore Stock Exchange, straying from conventional trend studies to have their algorithms produce trading decisions directly. Their algorithms provided a buy, sell, or hold decision on a stock based on indicators gathered from a random forest algorithm. In 2017, Thakur et al. (8) repeated this method, expanding on using random forest algorithms to determine the rules used to classify each index as a buy/sell/hold index.
The purpose of this research is to allow non-investors a platform to study and enter the market, streamlining the results directly into a decision stating, that is, if a stock index should be bought, sold, or held. Discretizing the large number of fundamental features into a smaller number is a secondary focus of this study.
Hence, this study focuses on using fundamental values to produce decisions based on those same technical indicators. By associating the fundamental features with a decision based on the technical indicators, we have combined two methods of study, namely, technical and fundamental. We will study the fundamentals to predict classes based on the technical.
Given those articles and their influence on the work performed, it is prudent to note how this work will differ from these works. While many of the studies mentioned used machine learning algorithms (9–11), none used them on fundamental data to predict long-term results, which for the purpose of this paper is defined as results in increments of greater than 30 days. This project attempts to forecast the decision in 90-day increments four times a year, over a 20 year period, allowing personal non-day trading investors to use this information to invest responsibly and reliably in a volatile market environment.
By collecting quarterly data from 100 different stocks over a 20-year period, it is the work’s commitment to relate fundamental data to predicted classification on the rise and fall of technical indicators and then produce a decision for the user to buy, sell, or hold a stock. The report will also explore which fundamental features gathered from the quarterly report correlate the most with the decision classification, exploring two different methods of correlation and then producing two sets of features to be utilized in each of the machine learning algorithms. This project also serves the purpose of forming a benchmark foundation to continue studies in this field.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section “2. Data and Preprocessing” provides insight on the datasets utilized and the pre-processing performed to establish the final dataframe; Section “3. Algorithms” gives a high- level summary of the algorithms studied along with the parameters used in the experimentation; Section “4. Results” summarizes each algorithm’s best parameters along with their results; and finally, Section “5. Conclusion and Future Works” points out the conclusions and posits future work to consider.
2. Data and preprocessing
The data for this project consists of all the data on the companies in the NASDAQ-100 stock market from January 1, 1999, to January 1, 2020, located in the Yahoo Finances database. The fundamental data are a collection of three separate reports pulled from the database. These dataframes (more technical term for files) and their feature counts were as follows: quarterly balance sheet (92), quarterly cash flow (72), and quarterly financials (52). A fourth dataframe on the historical daily values of each stock (technical indicators) was also pulled: historical prices indices (7). The combined total original feature count was 223.
The data are manually collected from Yahoo Finance. To prepare the data, a series of pre-processing steps were taken. First, extraneous features were removed from the dataframes. Many features were not reported continuously across all dataframes from each stock. Also, Yahoo Finance organizes features into individual sections and subsections, allowing for the generalizations of several features. Many of the subsections contained no values. Once the original dataframes were feature filtered, they were combined into a single quarterly report with the data associated around the dates that correlate with the end of the quarters of the fiscal calendars across all 20 years of data. This left us with a combined dataframe of the fundamental and technical values. The pre-processed dataframe consisted of 62 features of data and 8,498 indices of reported stock figures.
Next, the data were categorized. Each quarterly report was categorized into one of three possibilities: buy, sell, or hold if neither buy nor sell. The exact class necessities were as follows:
(1) Sell – High and low decrease by 5% or more in the next quarter.
(2) Buy – High and low increase by 5% or more in the next quarter.
(3) Hold – neither buy nor sell happens.
Each index represents the quarterly reports and the high and low values associated with those quarters. These indices were classified based on the stated rules. Once the classifications were added to each company’s quarterly reports, the rest of the data could be transitioned as follows. This methodology is demonstrated in Figure 1.
A categorization was decided upon. The values in the reports were altered to measure the percent change from the previous QR to the current QR and new classifications can be added. A feature was added to the dataframe for each existing feature. This new feature would measure the change in each feature from one quarter to the next. For example, say that in the previous quarter, a company was valued at $1,000, and in the next quarter, it was valued at $1,100. This represents an increase of 10%. The new feature replaced the price value of 1,100 with 10% for our current quarterly report. This process was repeated for every quarterly report, excluding the first, as no previous data existed with which to modify the data. This left every quarterly report with a percent change for each fundamental value.
In summary:
• All the data files were collected into a single dataframe for the purposes of preprocessing and exploring the data.
• To train and test the classifier, the price-related features were separated into two different dataframes with a similar index value. This was done to prevent data leakage during the training and testing of the model.
• The date indices were replaced with a simple number of indices as dates were no longer needed.
2.1. Feature select in using correlation values and tree classifiers
The fundamental data were collected, preprocessed, and reformatted. The final files were exported. The data exploration consisted of two separate but similar steps. Given the large number of features (59, after removing the name, symbol, and date columns), we wanted to condense the features into a more discreet number. The original features are presented in Appendix Table A1.
To perform this feature selection, we used two methodologies: correlation values and tree classifiers. For the first method, a correlation matrix was created, and the top 10 features were correlated with our decision classifications. Once the top 10 correlation features were located, the preprocessed dataframe was spliced to only include those features along with the decision classifications. The dataframe was exported for use in our models. Next, using SciKit, a decision tree was implemented to determine this set of top ten features to study. Once identified, they were also spliced out of the preprocessed dataframe and moved into a new dataframe along with the correlating classification labels. Table 1 shows the features selected by both methods of feature discretization and used for the remainder of this experiment.
Using two different methods to determine which features to use will allow us to compare how the feature selection affects the accuracy of the models.
Now that the data were cleaned, formatted, and discretized features were selected, we finally began classifying the stocks using their quarterly reports. To do this, multiple different machine learning classifiers were used. The data were tested using eight different classifiers along with a dummy model to provide us with a benchmark to compare our results against.
• Ada Boost
• Decision Tree
• Extreme Gradient Boost
• K Nearest Neighbor
• Logistic Regression
• Naive Bayes
• Random Forest
• Support Vector Machine Model
• Dummy (Benchmark)
Each of these models were trained and fitted to the dataset to determine the best performing model. Along with running the default algorithms, we will also perform a grid search on several different parameters to try and identify the best results for each algorithm. Figure 2 lays out this entire process.
Results are presented in terms of four different statistical metrics: accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Our pre-processing methodology produced a slightly imbalanced dataset, hence this study places more importance on precision since it deals with the amount of false positives. When studying stocks, we have chosen to be conservative with our investing policy. Focusing on precision allows us to avoid investing in the wrong stock over recall, which would focus our concern on missing the opportunity. Each of the values has its importance, but because we do not want to invest in a stock that is a sell, we will focus on precision. The confusion matrix for each of the algorithms is also included to picture how each of our models predicted vs. the actual breakdown of how each index was classified. The complete results and diagrams for each set of features can be found in Tables 10, 11 and Figures 3–18.
3. Algorithms
Tables 2–9 give a short overview of the algorithms used in this study, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as any parameter sets for each model. A total of eight algorithms were chosen based on their use in previous studies on stock market data.
Each algorithm was tested several times, using all of the default methodologies as well as altering specific parameters using a grid search technique. This was done to ensure that we were locating the optimal settings for each model and so that we could in turn find the optimal model. This may increase the processing time taken because each model will need to be run for each combination of parameters but eventually produces better results.
The parameters tested are listed along with their algorithm’s synopsis and a short description of what the parameter effects are. Each of the two discrete top features will both be tested in this manner, choosing the best set of parameters, which will in turn find the best algorithm for each set of features. Of the parameters listed for each algorithm, when more than one parameter value is listed, each listed parameter was tested for that model and the specific combination of parameters that produced the best results of all attempts for each model. The definitions for each parameter were taken from Pedregosa et al. (12) and the SciKit learn documentation. The dummy algorithm was run using Scikit Learn’s default classifier.
4. Results
The results displayed in Tables 10, 11 show what each algorithm returned using the best tuned parameters found through the grid search phase of the experiment. The results are reported on four different values: precision, recall, the f1-score for each classification, and the overall accuracy of each model. Each metric is reported for each of the three classifications (buy, sell, and hold). Due to the imbalanced nature of the classifications, we prioritize precision over accuracy when determining the efficacy of the classifiers. Along with the results in both tables, the confusion matrix for each model discretization method combination is presented in Figures 3–18. The confusion matrix allows us to visualize in depth how each model performed by displaying the number of indices that were misclassified for each of the three classifications. By breaking down each classification into true classifications and false classifications and also labeling how each false classification was mislabeled, we can gain a deeper understanding how the algorithms performed and form a foundation for improvement.
When viewing the confusion matrices for each discretization method and focusing on the top performing algorithms, we can see that for both methodologies, the results were best at predicting true holds, then true buys, and rarely correctly predicted true sells. This indicates that the weight was placed on being more conservative, leaning toward holding over buying and selling. While these decisions are not straightforward, the most important aspect was for the algorithms to correctly classify buy and hold indices over incorrectly sold ones, as buying and holding are more directly related to money lost (i.e., buying a stock that is going to lose value or holding a stock that will lose value both cost you money you already have, whereas selling a stock that will gain you money costs you potential income you have not yet gained).
4.1. Top 10 features based on a decision
4.1.1. Tree classifier
The top 10 features are presented in Table 1.
4.2. Summary of top performing algorithms from each methodology
Table 12 displays the best results from both the discretization methods applied. As can be seen below, the random forest nodel has an increase in accuracy of 13% while the K nearest neighbor has an increase in accuracy of 10%. Along with a dramatic increase in accuracy, there is also a dramatic increase in the precision across all of the classifications, nearly doubling the sell classification and over a 15% increase in both the buy and hold classifications.
5. Conclusion and future works
By collecting quarterly data from 100 different stocks over a 20-year period, it is the work’s commitment to relate fundamental data to predicted classification on the rise and fall of technical indicators and then produce a decision for the user to buy, sell, or hold a stock. The report will also explore which fundamental features gathered from the quarterly report correlate the most with the decision classification, exploring two different methods of correlation and then producing two sets of features to be utilized in each of the machine learning algorithms. This project also serves the purpose of forming a benchmark foundation to continue studies in this field.
Based on this work, it can be concluded that when continuing this line of study, any efforts should be focused on the Knearest neighbor and the random forest algorithms as they showed the best improvement against the benchmark model. It should also be noted that, while the percentages could be considered low, given the nature of our study, the ability of our classifiers to predict the highest reported precision of 46% and accuracy of47%should be considered a significant improvement. Given the unforgiving nature of the study due to the volatile and unpredictable nature of the data, more work need to be done in this area, but this study shows that fundamental analysis at this stage forms a foundation for future studies. It can also be noted that, on average, the decision tree algorithm results were better than the correlation-based algorithm results. Also, it can be noted that, on average, the precision of the sell was lower than the precision of the buy or hold.
For future work, we are thinking along the lines of: (i) First and foremost, expanding our dataset to all the available stock indices in the Yahoo Finance database and forming a data pipeline to potentially allow our data to be used indefinitely as new data is produced and posted; (ii) combining the best performing algorithms to increase the performance of our models; and finally, (iii) exploring the effect of modifying the features by creating interactive features using domain knowledge.
Conflict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Author contributions
NM was responsible for the initial research and study, including the collecting of related works, performing the study of machine learning algorithms, and the initial draft of the manuscript. He also contributed to the final submission. SB was responsible for guiding NM as he conducted his research and advising on the research topic and formation. She also coauthored and edited the final submission. Both authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version.
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