International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research2025-03-12T12:04:12+00:00Tholkaapiyantholkappiyan@bohrpub.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>ISSN: 2583-8946 (Online)</strong></p> <p><strong>BOHR International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research (BIJSSHR)</strong> is an open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all the areas of Social Science and Humanities Research. Authors are solicited to contribute to the journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in this area.</p> <p> </p> on existing traditions in Matthew 13:10-15 to construct a narrative on the teachings of Jesus2024-08-16T06:38:37+00:00Jim<p>This report focuses on existing traditions manifested in Matthew 13:10-15 to construct a narrative about theteachings of Jesus. As such, it offers a redaction and narrative illustration regarding how Matthew’s story of Jesusused existing traditions to weave his own distinct version of the life of Jesus. It exhibits analysis on how Matthewmodified sources he drew from in ways that fit Mathew’s broader theological aims. This, in turn, fit Matthew’smacro-level depiction of Jesus and what he represented. The use of parables by Jesus is given particular attention</p>2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jim Schnell attributes of clothing preferences of students in universities in Nigeria: Implications for clothing and textiles education2024-03-26T06:40:28+00:00Juliana Ego<p>This study looked at the practical aspects of students’ choices of attire in Nigerian universities. The study determined the drivers of students’ clothing preferences in Nigerian universities, as well as objectively identified the clothes that they favored and evaluated their practical features. This study was led by one hypothesis and three research questions. Southern Nigeria was the study’s focus. The study design was ex post facto, and both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were applied. There were 28,650 students enrolled. Multistage sampling was used to first select three state universities by random sampling technique, a sample size of 585 undergraduates were purposively selected who were between 18 and 30 years of age and among the 200–400-level courses in the universities. To collect the data, an observation checklist and functional attributes of clothing preference questionnaire (FACPQ) were used, reliability coefficient with Kuder–Richardson-20 coefficient was obtained for an overall competent level (OCL) of 0.86. Cronbach’s α coefficient obtained for clothing preference determinants is 0.820 and functional attributes is = 0.85. Percentage, mean, standard deviation (SD), and t-test at 0.05 significance level were used to analyze data. The results showed that the fashion preferences of students included, among other things, leggings, spaghetti tops, slim faded, and torn jeans, hipster (low waist/sagging pants), bum shorts, and miniskirts. The following factors are determined by clothing: Brand, influence from peer groups, current fashion, self-satisfaction, ease of wear, attractive appearance, availability of clothing, and not durability, figure type, wearer’s mood, fit, money available, or comfort. When it comes to comfort, mobility, ease of task performance and activities, protection, and safety, student attire has low functional qualities. The wardrobe choices of undergraduate males and females did not significantly differ from one another. The upshot is that teaching pupils about clothes and textiles will encourage appropriate clothing choices and wearing habits while also aiding in the prevention of indecent attire. As teenagers and young adults, their main concern is keeping up with the times and dressing stylishly to satisfy peer pressure and standards. It was suggested that colleges set a clothing code to help students control their wardrobe, provide workshops and seminars on good fashion once new students are admitted, and punish those who do not follow the rules.</p>2024-01-17T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 BOHR International Journal of Social Science and Humanities Research Asia – service quality management (SQM) in Thailand2025-03-12T12:04:12+00:00Antonio L.<p>This paper is part of a series on the Microeconomies of Asia that reveals the idiosyncrasies and strange twists of the products and services that are being sold. These goods and services arise out of a desperate need to earn a living by the bootstraps of a village, county, or province. In this presentation, we reveal why the Service Quality Management (SQM) in Thailand is poor. There are many reasons for this pathetic situation. The reasons include (1) lack of training; (2) profit-motivated and greedy owners; (3) Royal Thai Police (RTP) corruption causing high overheads; (4) rent-seeking Royal Thai Armed Forces (RTAF) generals; (5) immoral monks within the larger moral community of the Buddhist Sangha; (6) low wages resulting in unmotivated workers in most industries; and (7) poor communication skills on the part of the farang tourists as well as the local service providers. This paper makes use of a non-participant survey of farang tourists in three major cities to record their perception of SQM between 2021 and 2023. The three cities are Phuket, Bangkok, and Hua Hin.</p>2024-12-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio L. Rappa, culture, and society (TCS) in modern Thailand, 20232024-11-07T06:48:19+00:00Antonio L.<p>The aim of this academic paper is to analyze the structure of the democratic transition of modern Thailand in terms of its theory, culture, and society. Democracy is an alien concept to Thailand and its earlier Siamese incarnation. This academic article makes use of non-participant participation by using an attitudinal survey (Likert Scale) of Thai persons in addition to focus groups made up of Thai-farang and local Thai couples with and without children. The survey was carried out via Google Survey between 10 July 2023 and 10 September 2023 in Singapore among foreign Thai participants. The size of the local focus group in which f2f was conducted in Singapore was 23 persons. All 23 persons who took part in the f2f focus group were either Thai men and women or Thai men or women married to farang with long-term employment passes in Thailand. The details of their homes in Singapore and Thailand, their birth certificate numbers and their Thai national identity card numbers, ages, and gender were not recorded. The attitudinal survey was also not compulsory and participants could leave any time they wanted; even though none did leave and all remained to take part in the entire survey. Therefore, the survey and the focus group were anonymous. There were a total of 10 questions in the survey and 10 questions were written in English as well as Standard Thai Language (STL) for the focus group. The results of both are listed as Annex A and Annex B to this academic article.</p>2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Antonio L. Rappa government election and democracy: evidence from Enugu State, Nigeria2024-12-26T09:59:08+00:00Francisca Nkemdilim Onyemaechi Chukwuemeka<p>In the history of mankind, democracy is presumably the best among all the systems of government. Where it is practiced well, election is the means of determining the will of the people regarding their choice of political leaders. However, the local government elections conducted in Nigeria lacked those principles required in a democratic setting. This paper examines the extent to which democratic principles were flouted in local government elections in Nigeria with particular reference to local government elections conducted in Enugu State in 2022. The study adopted the elite theory. Data for the study were drawn from participant observation and review of authentic secondary sources. The study identified that the 2022 local government elections were neither fair, credible, nor transparent because of political influence which manipulated both the electoral process and the conduct of election and thereby denying the eligible voters the opportunity of choosing their preferred candidate. The study concluded that local government elections conducted in Enugu State in 2022 look like a mockery of election in a democratic setting. The study recommended among others that 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria should be amended to grant full autonomy to local governments so as to loosen them from the control of the State governments, and also that the State Independent Electoral Commission be scrapped and replaced with Independent National Electoral Commission for the purpose of conducting local government elections in Nigeria.</p>2024-11-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Francisca Nkemdilim Onah, Christopher Onyemaechi Ugwuibe, Elias Chukwuemeka Ngwu success: Unveiling the concept framework of “success-route” and its impact on achieving goals in career2024-05-23T11:25:42+00:00Senthil<p>This paper presents a new conceptual framework known as the “success-route,” explaining its crucial function in<br>attaining success. The authors examine the core elements of this framework, offering insights into goal definition,<br>the “success-route” to achievement, potential distractions, and critical personality qualities that support achieving<br>goals. To improve understanding, a thorough description of the process path is provided, covering everything<br>from inspiration to achievement. The essential significance of the “success-route” in traversing this relationship<br>is highlighted, emphasizing the fundamental link between motivation and effective goal setting. This approach<br>not only improves comprehension of the relationship between motivation and achievement but also increases<br>success rates by bringing individual passions into line. This meticulously crafted “success-route” serves as a<br>guide, imparting valuable lessons on overcoming inadequacies and empowering individuals on their journey<br>toward success.</p>2024-05-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Senthil Murugan