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Nilesh Deshmane
Adnan Calcuttawala
Sharad Desai


Desmoid tumor, or aggressive fibromatosis, is a rare condition affecting young adults. Diagnosis is challenging asit has to be established histopathologically by experienced oncopathological experts. Treatment options includesurgery, radiation, and other forms of noninvasive modalities like hormonal therapy, low-dose and conventional-dose chemotherapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, tyrosine kinase inhibitors, etc. Each treatment modalityhas its own advantages and disadvantages. Also, there is a lack of clear guidelines for the management of suchtumors, so the treatment-related decisions also become more challenging. Here, we are presenting such a casethat was successfully treated using radiation alone with minimal side effects and achieved a good outcome interms of tumor control, functional preservation, and cosmesis. Hopefully, it will help the medical community indeciding the treatment options and acting as a base for future studies.

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