Dried Scleral Patch Graft: A Temporary Measure of Corneal Perforation Prior Keratoplasty – Two Case Reports
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Aim: To describe the temporary management of corneal perforation by using dried sclera patch graft prior keratoplasty when donor tissue not available. Case report: Two cases of corneal perforation (>2 mm) of various causes presented with severely decreased vision and shallow anterior chamber and soft eye ball. Both needed immediate therapeutic keratoplasty to save the globe and restore the vision. Due to unavailability of donor cornea, both patients were surgically managed with dried scleral patch graft temporarily to save the globe. Both patients underwent therapeutic keratoplasty one moth and one and half months respectively. Both patients gained better vision (6/18 and 6/24 respectively), quiet anterior chamber and no secondary glucoma after 6 month of keratoplasty.Conclusion: Dried sclera patch graft is a good option for temporary management of corneal perforation of various causes until a donor cornea is available. These patch grafts prevent ocular hypotony, posterior synechiea and secondary glucoma.