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A. S. Karthika
A. Darwin Jose Raju
Kavyashree Prakashan2
R. Ankayarkanni


The main aim of this study is to reframe the possibilities in healthcare with the aid of blue brain technology. In general, blue brain is usually associated with the preservation of the intelligence of individuals for the future. This study has stepped ahead by describing the other possible solutions that can be provided by implementing the blue brain technology in the medical field. The possibilities for decreasing the demise rates that occur due to the complications in the brain have been discussed. The blue brain can be used for monitoring the conditions of the brain, based on which the brain diseases can be diagnosed and cured in advance. In this study, the details about the blue brain, its functions, simulations, and upgradations of the human brain are explored in depth. The future enhancements and predictions in the field of the blue brain that can benefit humanity are also being discussed in this study.

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