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Chethan R
Pankajakshi R


The dairy sector has been considered as one of the major contributors to India’s GDP. Looking at the production rate globally, India has achieved the no. 1 position in production of milk with 23% production, followed by the United States of America, China, Pakistan, and Brazil. Dairying has been considered the basic source of income for millions of rural populations in India, which contributes to the country’s economy. In this particular study, the authors have discussed about the role of emerging technologies in marketing of milk through Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS). DCS has streamlined the process and made it easy for farmers to supply their milk to DCS at village level, which in later stage reaches the milk processing units and comes back to customers through outlets as consumable goods. This chain link will help farmers in getting fair, remunerative prices for their produce with the help of online monetary transactions. Online applications have been developed by DCS in order to make easy access for farmers regarding all the information related to their supply quantity and their earnings. The authors have also incorporated SWOC analysis in understanding the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges involved in the marketing of dairy products through cooperative societies. The authors have also discussed about the traditional and post-COVID-19 modernized ways of marketing of milk. The authors in the paper have developed a conceptual model that discusses about the supply of milk from first-point farmers through middle-level players (DCS) who transform raw milk into finished goods and supply it to the final consumer with the help of retail outlets that exist in the city. In this study, the authors have provided a few suggestive measures that help DCS in making their business more successful.

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Chethan R, Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, India



Pankajakshi R, Department of Management Studies, Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, India