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Emerson G. Ramos
Claire Reginalde


This study evaluated the impact of information and communications technology (ICT) on the operations management of cooperatives in Nueva Vizcaya. By evaluating the respondents’ profiles and cooperatives’ profiles, and their relationship to ICT infrastructure and ICT access, the researcher would recommend ICT strategies to improve the operations of the cooperatives. The concept of the study was drawn from the modernization theory, and ICT access in terms of skills, literacy, and attitude toward technology. This study used a descriptive design to determine the respondents’ profiles and the cooperatives’ profile. In addition, the descriptive design was also used to determine the level of ICT access of the cooperative personnel and the extent of ICT infrastructure of the cooperatives. Moreover, this study used the correlational research design to determine the significant relationship between the profile of the personnel and the level of ICT access, the profile of the cooperative, and the extent of ICT infrastructure of the cooperatives. To assess the relationships between variables, two correlation coefficients were employed: Pearson’s correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The study revealed that cooperatives had a “moderate” extent of utilization of ICT infrastructure. Utilization was higher in systems configuration and Internet connectivity compared to organization and management and information technology strategy, while cooperative personnel had the necessary technology skills and literacy to effectively utilize ICT tools and applications in their work. Also, cooperative personnel demonstrated a great extent of positive attitudes toward ICT utilization.

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